Friday, December 23, 2005

Compassion in MIKUME

I went with 50 kids from the Compassion Project here at our church to Mikume to look at the wild game...pretty cool. The coolest part was the excitement of the kids who had never had an opportunity to see the animals here. They were dancing and singing on the bus for about two hours after we left Dodoma. Pretty hilarious. And then I had to walk up and down the aisles to give bags to those who felt sick and were throwing up (kutapika sana)...but the love of animals and adventure prevailed.

I was more interested in watching their joy and fascination, then looking at the elephants, lions and hippos that run rampant was a good time...we camped out for a night, cooked lots of food, went for a few drives, watched baboons snatch food, and tembos coming out at night to eat our trash (dont worry we were inside)...

My mind was really occupied by a lot of stuff during the trip (although i enjoyed being with everyone) there was just a lot of stuff churning deep down, and i was thinking about the CPT'ers in Iraq a lot...those who were kidnapped...and I kept praying for them.


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