Tuesday, November 08, 2005

“Janet” receives her news

Friday, Oct 21

So today when I arrived at the church Janet was there to talk to me. She had received her manila envelope with her test results not even opened. She handed it to me to open. She knew the results—they had talked to her and given her some counseling. She was HIV positive. She was surprisingly calm when we talked this morning. She had just really wanted to know the answer so that she could move on, and figure out the best way to live with the disease.

While we were talking I felt something in my spirit. I was listening to Janet explain why she was glad that she found out the news. She was saying that it was like the difference in hearing a car accident or seeing the accident itself. Knowing it was for real was better because she could know the truth and move forward….

I was thinking that true life, true redemption is facing our struggles and choosing to live with them and having hope, not letting the struggle overcome us….whatever we are stung with, born with, infected with…true life is not trying to avoid all pain, or having nothing hurtful happen to us….true life is dealing with it, and conquering its power over us, living with it, but not allowing it to define or dictate how we act and live, but allowing our true selves and the power of God to ring through our strengths and weaknesses….in some sense that is exactly the work of the atonement…solidarity with suffering to transform pain into joy, shame and guilt into acceptance and love…it is the conquering, transforming nature of the cross and rolled away tomb stone….

“Janet” was told that she would eventually need to go to Tumaini Clinic to get a CD4 test and ARV’s (she is 31 years old with a 7 year old daughter, Miriam). But for now, to concentrate on eating a good diet (beans, ugali, mchini chineese-spinach, meat once or twice a week) as long as possible before she gets too sick and needs meds is the best route. The only thing is that she is unsure she can get enough of the essential foods for her health…so we are going to try to assist her in creating a business so that she can make enough money to buy the right kinds of food. Manesseh gave her some ideas, and told her that we could help her a little, but she would have to take the responsibility to start thinking of what she could do…so that she can help herself with some direction from the church…

The other precaution she has to take is to not work hard during the day because it may be difficult for her health….

Janet was kicked out of her place a week ago…and so she can’t grow any vegetables because she no longer has a permanent place to stay so hopefully we can figure out how to get her access to foods she needs, or help her start a project, business so she can sustain herself...Anyway her spirit seemed at peace with the news, but still scared and confused; when Manesseh prayed she started to cry, and was trying to hide the tears after he was finished. We told her not to be afraid. God will help her, and we will be here to support her. pray for her...


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